Baburka Production is an independent movie production company located in Rome, develops and creates audiovisual and cinematographic projects both for the national and international market. Structured as a cooperative since 2014, the company is managed by a group of young professionals of the field with a common goal: promote the idea that you can reach high quality standards from the ground up, from small productive realities, as long as they are based on innovative ideas and true passion for cinema. Baburka’s artistic and technical personnel covers all the departments of a cinematographic production. The young professionals of the makeup, set designing and costume departments have also given birth to the Baburka Production Factory, the main “artistic” section of Baburka, which covers Special Makeup Effects, Costume Design, Set Design, Hair Styling, Body Painting and Beauty Makeup services, promoting the Baburka Brand.
Baburka Production’s Mission is to work towards the creation of a high quality independent cinema, aimed to share work opportunities and support new projects and artistic initiatives, starting from the networking between similar productive realities and single professionals who have made Cinema their goal in life. Knowledge and experience sharing are an important part of the company’s primary objectives.
A high level of specialization and the ability to cover all aspects of the cinematographic field, from the pre to the post-production, are what distinguish Baburka, along with its network. Its associates allow the cooperative to embark in the role of Production, in fact, the young associates have all immediately decided to work for a message-based Cinema, capable of telling difficult but always innovative stories.
The company is also the promoter of the “Independent Cartel“, an experimental operative network between active realities of the independent cinema, which organizes periodical meetings on different different topics regardless the independent production companies world.
Baburka is therefore arts and crafts for cinema, not only but also an active production for an high quality cinema that gives space to the most difficult projects. The great advantage of putting your idea into the hands of Baburka, is the possibility of choosing a single reality that is managed from pre to post-production. Also credit to the partner companies in which we collaborate with.
In this direction are the choices to produce, from 2014 to the present day, the Iraqi author and director Alì Kareem, and his short movies set in the war-torn Baghdad; the same effort is put in all the long and short movies, all of which tell realistic stories, infused with a strong humanity, like, for example “La Terra degli Sconfitti” (2014) by Maurizio Ravallese, “Freddo Dentro”(2017) by Valerio Burli or “Io che sono Stato”(2018) by Vincenzo de Matteo. The same goes for the two documentaries on the world of Hip-hop “One World Under a Groove”(2011) and “Break the Siege”(2014) by Giulia Giorgi, focused on the expressive and social relevance of the Hip-hop culture around the world; and the documentary on the artist Alberto Burri, commissioned by the Fondazione Burri di Città di Castello and projected at the Guggenheim Museum of New York.
To remain in the field of independent productions, Baburka has co-produced, through its artistic departments (sfx makeup, set design and costumes), the allegorical horror movie “Go Home – A casa Loro” (2017) by Luna Gualano, which tackles the topic of immigration using zombies as a metaphor for a society that is more and more closed, terrified and aggressive towards immigrants, refugees and the “different” in general.
Baburka‘s team and its labs have also collaborated to several higher budget projects: the musical “Cats” in a steam-punk version by Opera Populaire (2017-2018), the movie “Nove Lune e Mezza” (Michele Andreozzi, 2017), “La damnation de Faust” for the Roman Opera Theater (directed by Gatti and Michieletto, 2017) with Arti Plastiche, Ballandi Arts’ production “Il Mistero dei Capolavori Perduti” (2018) for Sky Art HD, just to name a few.
Baburka Production, thanks to experts of the various artistic and technical departments that it has collaborated with in its years of activity, can offer short formation workshops and courses for the different fields of cinema, hosting teachers from around the world as well as using the internal team of professionals as tutors and teachers.
Team Leaders