In a post-apocalyptic world, an old and a young man escape from slavery to set themselves on a journey through the desert. The former looks for truffles and the latter looks for gold. Struggling with his new reality as a free person, the old man is tempted to go back to slavery, while the younger one is convinced that they can survive only if they stick together in freedom.

The Director

Yassine El Idrissi explored different professions before becoming a storyteller in film. But the power of images was always the common denominator. El Idrissi worked several years as a successful photojournalist in national newspapers and international news agencies, until he found that to satisfy his urge to tell the stories, he needed the power of cinema. He took two years to produce his first documentary “Waiting for the Snow”. El idrissi graduated from the Netherlands Film Academy in Amsterdam in 2013 with a Master degree. “Honey and old cheese” Yassine’s latest short film was screened at Clermont Ferrand.

Winner of  a special price at Dakar short  film festival
 The national film festival in Morocco
 Aman film festival, Jordan
 Religion Today Film Festival Italy
 Kazan International Muslim Film Festival, Russia
 Rencontres du Film Court de Madagascar
 Popoli e Religioni – Terni Film Festival Italy

Baburka Production Soc Coop
Via Casilina 713, 00177 Roma RM
P.IVA 12847221004

Tel.  +39 06 89 711 987
GPS: 41°52’44”N 12°32’31″E