“1 World Under a Groove” is a documentary shot during the International Youth Exchange “Hip Hop For Euromed” in Rome, organized with the support of “C.e.m.e.a del Mezzogiorno Onlus”. The exchange involved b-boys and b-girls from fifty different countries of the Euro-Mediterranean area: Morocco, Tunis , France, Poland and Italy. The documentary analyzes the various moments of the Exchange all the way to the preparation for the final show, and gathers the statements of the participants, which communicate their different personal contribution as active members of the hip hop community, as supranational culture, and explain its social utility in the different realities.

In “One World under a Groove” dance represents the common language in the process of evolution of the hip hop culture in the Euro-Mediterranean area, with the objective of analyzing the common developments and the differences as parts of an intercultural dialogue through artistic expression.

During the entire process the participants had the opportunity to rediscover their own cultural roots and to live them with a different prospective, the hip hop one, and to share them with people from different countries and, in the final stage, to build a common choreographic project which represented all the individual contributions, this ending with a show during the break dance contest “Funky Afternoon 2”.


“One World under a Groove” wants to stimulate the reflection on the existing diversities that exist in the Euro-Mediterranean area, focusing on the different values through the discovery of the various cultural traditions that are present. The crossing of the bodies during the performances becomes this way the symbol of the creation of creative bridges between different countries and cultures, endorsing the individual role and the process of international dialogue.

The documentary has been shot in a particular historical period of instability and ferment in the Nord African area, known as the “Arab Spring”, and has  represented an opportunity for the b-boys which came from these regions to confront with others that share the hip hop culture with them, and to report important information on the situation of other countries’ young people and kids.



Baburka Production Soc Coop
Via Casilina 713, 00177 Roma RM
P.IVA 12847221004

Tel.  +39 06 89 711 987
GPS: 41°52’44”N 12°32’31″E